Samskrita Shibiram (workshop) :
Language of Enlightenment We are pleased to announce the much awaited Online (Zoom) Samskrita Sambhashana Shibiram on Sep 2nd to Sep 17th ( No classes on Monday ). SPOKEN SANSKRIT WORKSHOP संस्कृत -सम्भाषण-शिबिरम् SHIBIRAM- is an interactive spoken Sanskrit workshop. Please do join us on this wonderful journey of speaking Sanskrit
Singapore Class Timing:- Weekdays(Tue to Fri) : 7:30pm to 8:30 pm (1hr) Weekends (Sat & Sun): 10am to 12:30pm (2 ½ hrs) Totally 20 hrs of Class Please register for this event by joining the whatsapp group with below link
Kindly Note :- Attendance on All days is highly recommended to achieve the best benefit