certificate courses
Certificate Courses :
The certificate courses designed by Samskrita Bharati into 4 levels of 6 months each are to enable the student to start as a beginner and end up with expertise on the usage of Samskrita language in terms of writing, speaking and reading skills.
a. Pravesha
i. Entry to Samskrit /Devanagri lipi
ii. Enrich vocabulary
iii. Express freely in Samskrit
iv. Basics of Samskrit grammar
v. Start understanding Samskrit shlokas.
b. Parichaya
i. Tense & Moods
ii. Understand Sandhi – Consonants
iii. Start of Sloka-anvaya (Prose order of Slokas)
iv. Cases
c. Shiksha
i. Participle forms
ii. Basic building blocks of Prose / Poetry
iii. Usage of different case endings
iv. Grammar
v. Writing skills in Samskrit
d. Kovida
i. Construct and split Samaasa (Compound Words)
ii. Introduction to Alankaara-Saastra ( Rhetoric)
iii. Understand Chandas ( Prosody)
iv. Get introduced to ancient and recent poets
v. Know about Rishis, their life and works.